Forums » General » console game development


Hello, I have developed my PC game and now I am thinking of making a console version of my game. But I'm not very good at it, to be honest. Who will help me with the development of the console version of my game?


Do you mean that you want to convert your game to a console platform? Or re-create the game but on game consoles? In any case, you can order the service of game developers specifically on the console.


Creating a console version of the game is in many ways even more difficult. There are many differences from the version for a personal computer. A completely different platform. Here you will need a competent assessment from a specialist. This task is for many months. If we are talking about a high-quality product.


Everyone starts from scratch, so there is nothing to worry about. In any case, you will learn how to create games from scratch by self-study. Before, there wasn't a lot of material, and there were parts where you had to fiddle around, but you could still make games. I think that there are many difficulties and obstacles, but you can use the help of the company to develop console games.


I think that if you're not a specialist in game development, then it is best to turn to game developers and companies like for help. This is an opportunity to work with really experienced specialists who have extensive experience in creating games for both small studios and for really large and well-known companies.