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Model Train Sets. It is difficult to convey the admiration that arises at the sight of a high-quality layout of the railway. Everything looks extremely realistic: trains are running along the railway track, traffic lights and barriers are working, lights are flickering at stations. Of course, creating such a realistic layout requires a lot of effort. But it all starts, as a rule, with the first step - buying a starter kit. Large selection of Model Train Sets Selection of the starter kit. Many companies offer starter kits. To start, select the desired scale, the most famous are H0 (1:87), TT (1:120), N (1:160), Z (1:220). The choice of scale is very important, since at this stage the main characteristics of your layout are laid down. The most popular today is the H0 scale – it successfully combines sufficient compactness and the ability to accurately detail. Therefore, you can opt for it. But the specific decision, of course, is up to you, based on your personal tastes and preferences. Which company's products should I choose? Different options are also possible here. Products of such companies as Piko, Roco, Fleischmann, Viessmann are particularly popular among modelers. You can use products from different companies at the same time, but there are nuances here. For example, it is better to use the travel material of only one company, this will eliminate problems with the compatibility of paths and the difference in their appearance. The choice of travel material is laid just at the stage of buying a starter kit. For example, you can purchase one of the Piko starter kits. Its rail material is of good quality and has a wealth of opportunities for further development. The figure shows a set of Piko 57121 as an example.