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Tatem Games ported its iOS version to Android and released it in the United States and Europe in June 2012. The Android release included a basic version that was free to download, as well as bundles that could be purchased to add new dinosaurs, locations, and weapons. Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as ignored Welcome to The Carnivores Saga, a long-standing community that originally was centered on the Carnivores video game series but has grown much larger since those humble days.We are a community of dinosaur enthusiasts, video gamers, modders, programmers, artists, content creators and much more! This game is for the hunter at heart, hunters who like Jurassic Park. Unfortunately that is pretty much the only target audience for this game. Carnivores is definitely an acquired taste, and the only thing it really has in common with games like Dino Crisis are the graphics.
carnivore dinosaur hunter